E. Katherine KottarasA Rainbow of Gratitude: Community is MedicineCelebrating the Launch of “A Rainbow Inside My Body” at Once Upon a Time in MontroseJul 29, 20241Jul 29, 20241
InWholistiquebyE. Katherine KottarasWeight-Shaming Kids is Not Teaching HealthBy challenging impossible false ideals standards, parents and teachers can help kids love themselves, just as they are.Aug 22, 20223Aug 22, 20223
InWholistiquebyE. Katherine KottarasPlease Teach Your Children (Sons, Especially) About Abortion RightsIt’s one of our core responsibilities, as parents, to hold space for such discussions, however uncomfortable they may beJun 28, 20221Jun 28, 20221
InThe DIY DiariesbyE. Katherine KottarasTO MAKE: The Process of Making & the Patience of WaitingInterview with Danielle Davis, Picture Book Writer and Maker ExtraordinaireJun 15, 20222Jun 15, 20222
InThe DIY DiariesbyE. Katherine KottarasTeaching Myself Woodworking: A Dream 40 Years in the MakingI finally got the toolset of my dreamsMay 2, 20225May 2, 20225
InFlint and SteelbyE. Katherine KottarasThe Seasons of Creativity Like the Seasons of a GardenWriting Goals, Seeds, & the HarvestMay 5, 20223May 5, 20223
InFlint and SteelbyE. Katherine KottarasThe Creative Contemplative InterviewsDo you have mindfulness practices that inspire your creative process? I want to interview you!Jun 9, 20224Jun 9, 20224
InPrism & PenbyE. Katherine KottarasLearning How to Use They/Them with My Nonbinary TeenWith a whole-hearted attempt at compassion and openness (I hope!)May 17, 20229May 17, 20229
InFlint and SteelbyE. Katherine KottarasYoga & Writing: A Workshop to Settle into Your Body & Free Your WordsAn invitation to create from a place of joy and freedom, including from judgment, critique, and fearMay 1, 20222May 1, 20222
InWriters’ BlokkebyE. Katherine KottarasWriting Block is Often Fear: “Let all go…so comes love”Why I haven’t been writing as much over the past month, and what I’m doing to get back to the wordsApr 11, 20224Apr 11, 20224
InFlint and SteelbyE. Katherine KottarasUndomesticated Tarot: Bringing Back the Wild to a Domesticated WorldThe Major Arcana: The Magician 1 🔮Mar 24, 20225Mar 24, 20225
InThe Writing CooperativebyE. Katherine KottarasHow to Offer Mindful Feedback to Sensitive Writers (In Other Words, to Most of Us)When we write, we put our hearts on the page. Here’s how not to trample them when reviewing each other’s drafts during workshopsMar 28, 20221Mar 28, 20221
InILLUMINATIONbyE. Katherine KottarasIntroducing… Yoga with Eleonora!For kids of all ages, when you are feeling all the feelings and need to move and ground and flowMar 24, 20224Mar 24, 20224
InAge of AwarenessbyE. Katherine KottarasMindfulness in the Classroom: The Whys and Hows, Plus a Guided Meditation Script for EducatorsOur students are stressed. Mindfulness won’t fix it all. But it sure can help.Feb 21, 20222Feb 21, 20222
InAge of AwarenessbyE. Katherine KottarasThe New Student Learning Outcomes for the 21st CenturyMoving beyond cognitive assessment towards a holistic, human-centered pedagogyFeb 10, 20223Feb 10, 20223
InEducate.byE. Katherine KottarasWhat Could a Compassionate Late Work Policy Offer?In this “new normal,” how can teachers best support students while also not overwhelming themselves?Feb 6, 2022Feb 6, 2022
InWholistiquebyE. Katherine KottarasDoes Fear Work in Getting People to Change Behaviors?The ethics of fear must be questioned, and a new way must be foundJan 24, 2022Jan 24, 2022
InThank You NotesbyE. Katherine KottarasOn Hearing of the Passing of Thich Nhat Hanh on the Day of Strong Winds in Los AngelesWith gratitudeJan 23, 20226Jan 23, 20226
E. Katherine KottarasA Book That Makes Me HappyThe Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing WorldJan 9, 20221Jan 9, 20221
InEducate.byE. Katherine KottarasI Get Nervous Before I Teach. Every Single Day.And I may never get over it — because I careJan 11, 202219Jan 11, 202219